Supervision and training of 1 ESR in the area of triplex-forming probes and strand displacement probes for DNA methylation detection and therapeutic intervention.
Tom Brown received a first class honours degree and PhD in Chemistry from the University of Bradford, then carried out postdoctoral research at Nottingham University, Oxford University and Cambridge University. He was appointed to a Lectureship in Biological Chemistry at Edinburgh University, where he was promoted to Reader then Professor. He moved to Southampton University in 1995 where he was Professor of Chemical Biology until 2013. He is currently Professor of Nucleic Acid Chemistry at Oxford University and is a member of the Departments of Chemistry and Oncology. His research interests centre on DNA sequence recognition and applications of oligonucleotide chemistry in biology, nanotechnology, and medicine. He is the co-founder of three Biotech companies (Oswel, ATDBio and Primer Design) and has published over 300 research papers and patents. He has received several awards, including the Royal Society of Chemistry Josef Loschmidt prize, the RSC award for Nucleic Acid Chemistry, the RSC prize for Interdisciplinary Research and is Chemistry World entrepreneur of the year for 2014. Tom is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He is currently President of the Chemistry Biology Interface Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Editor-in-Chief of the new Royal Society of Chemistry Book series on Chemical Biology.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation under grant agreement No 642023.
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