Andrew Kellett

Supervision of 2 ESRs in the area of synthetic nuclease development and oncogene knockout, network coordination and overall management role.

Lead of WP4

Biotechnological and Medicinal Evaluation

Lead of WP7

Network Management and Coordination

Main Research Area

Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry

  • Design of metal complexes as probes for non-covalently binding and cutting double-helical DNA.
  • Synthesis and therapeutic evaluation of copper and manganese anticancer agents.
  • Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the design of low-mass, metallo-enzyme mimics for superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT).
  • Design of metal-based antimicrobial agents.

Selected Publications

  • Regulating Bioactivity of Cu2+ Bis-1,10-Phenanthroline Artificial Metallonucleases with Sterically Functionalised Pendant Carboxylates. Prisecaru A., Mckee V., Howe O., Rochford G., McCann M, Colleran J., Barron N., Pour M., Gathergood N. and Kellett A., Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2013, 56, 8599
  • Metal-Based Antimicrobial Protease Inhibitors. Kellett A., Prisecaru A., Slator C., Molphy Z., McCann M. 2013. Current Medicinal Chemistry 2013, 20, 25, 3134
    A new phenanthroline-oxazine ligand: synthesis, coordination chemistry and atypical DNA binding interaction. McCann M., McGinley J., Ni K., O’Connor M., Kavanagh K., McKee V., Colleran J., Devereux M., Gathergood N., Barron N., Prisecaru A. and Kellett A. Chemical Communications 2013, 49, 2341
  • Potent oxidative DNA cleavage by the di-copper cytotoxin: [Cu2(terephthalate)(1,10-phen)4]2+. Prisecaru A., Devereux M., Barron N., McCann M., Colleran J., Casey A., McKee V. and Kellett A. Chemical Communications 2012, 48, 55, 6906
  • Radical Induced DNA Damage by Cytotoxic Square-Planar Copper(II) Complexes Incorporating o-Phthalate and 1,10-Phenanthroline or 2,2′-Dipyridyl. Kellett A., Howe O., OConnor M., McCann M., Creaven B., McClean S., Foltyn-Arfa Kia A., Casey A. and Devereux M. Free Radical Biology And Medicine 2012, 53, 3, 564.