Stefano Croce

ClickGene Research

PhD student at baseclick GmbH in the development of new click-chemistry based assays capable to facilitate, speed up and improve the sensitivity of the detection of gene/transgenes in tissues with and without treatment by gene-knockout therapeutics.



A click-chemistry based assay for (trans)-gene detection

Scientific Background

  • Master (DM.270/04) in Molecular and Cellular Biology (LM-6-Biologia) at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Title of the thesis: Caratterization of the mutant Gly717Phe located in the C-terminal domain of human DNA topoisomerase IB.
  • Bachelor degree (DM.270/04) in Biological Sciences (LM-13-Biologia) at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Title of the thesis: Site-specific mutation on the Human DNA topoisomerase IB.