Development of next-generation gene silencing therapeutics and epigenetic DNA probes.

The Horizon 2020 Innovative Training Network (ITN) ClickGene is a research project in the field of click chemistry and gene therapy. The modification, activation, modulation and repression of DNA functional domains bring an overwhelming potential for human health applications.

European expertise presently available in DNA-based chemical and biotechnology fields needs to be combined to provide young researchers with the appropriate knowledge and know-how to address the gap associated with these rapid scientific developments.

ClickGene offers 14 PhD students the opportunity to develop and learn skills that are required by next-generation research leaders in biopharmaceutical, nanotechnology, biodiagnostic and related industries. The project partners provide cutting edge resources at leading research facilities, universities and biopharmaceutical enterprises throughout the EU. The ClickGene research programme, involves world-leading chemists in combination with innovative SMEs and combines basic and translation research in order to develop revolutionary technology for personalised medicine.

The ClickGene Project

The ClickGene project brings together leading scientists in ClickChemistry and gene therapy. Read more about background and the objectives of ClickGene.


ClickGene Final Meeting

On the 6th of December 2018, ClickGene ESRs attended the Final Meeting in Dublin City University (DCU).

Latest Publications

You can find the latest publications of ClickGene ESRs and PIs on the publications webpage